Global Citizenship Projects

We just ended the quarter with a challenge to our students: design a class project that shows good global citizenship.  We gave them a week and some criteria, but the students had a lot of room to be creative.  This is what they came up with, and I couldn’t be more proud.

Homebase Barton decided to make a video educating the public about the issue of child labor. They researched, wrote the script, composed the music on Garage Band, made the art, and starred in the film. I did some facilitation, camera work, and editing, but this is truly their creation:

Homebase Salk decided to make an international rock garden for our school. They wrote, “The flags symbolize that we all come from different places but we are all united and a part of the same community. Homebase Salk created this for our Global Citizenship Project in Social Studies class. Through this project we are all aiming to become global citizens. A global citizen is willing to help people inside and out of their communities. We should all try to respect others and their heritage. Homebase Salk hopes that you will try to be a helpful community member. We hope this project will teach everybody that even the smallest things count.” The actual garden isn’t set up yet, but here are some pictures of the painting process.

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Congratulations to Homebase Barton and Homebase Salk! It’s been a pleasure working with you this year, and these projects show that you have truly grown into active global citizens!

16 replies »

  1. What a beautiful project! Congratulations to Innovation students (and their teacher) for showing us the value of learning about our global neighbors!

  2. This is GREAT. I love in the video where the students identified commonly known companies which make use of child labor somewhere in the world. This helps these kids to make some connections to this issue and realize there are options that each of them have to help “fight” this issue…and a great option is shown in their tag line of “check the tag before you get the bag”.

    The rock garden is such a wonderful idea too. I lasting reminder of each our differences and our commonalities!

  3. This is a fantastic blog entry!

    I was already familiar with the beautiful rock garden flags; I can’t wait until we can get those put into the new IACS Butterfly Garden. Homebase Salk did a wonderful job with those, and it will be prominently displayed. Kudos to HB Salk students and Garden Club members Spenser and Alex for showing the rest of the Garden Club the rocks with such pride and excitement. 🙂 It was enthusiastic and quite contagious! The other club members were instantly unanimous in deciding that including them in the butterfly garden design was imperative.

    The child labor video was new to me (shame on Abby for not sharing earlier!) and was quite powerful. It is eye-opening and sobering to read about what the lives of other nation’s children are like, no matter how old you are. Barton’s students are to be commended for being able to see the need for awareness in the general public, as well as in their own consumership. They all had great poise and projection for the camera, as well. Well, well done, HB Barton.

    (As with the religious field trip video, the child labor video suffered just slightly from having the music a little too loud over the talking in spots. Just a little note, nothing big.)

  4. You page on global citizens is amazing. before I watched the video I had no idea what child labor was. Thank you Ms.Krackauer and HB Barton!

  5. OMG I was so surprised about how common child labor is and that the companies that do it.

  6. OMG, i was surprised too. I thought all the countries didn’t have child labor……..the video was very powerful and inspiring. i have already started writing a letter to Obama.

  7. my mom said that she is no longer gonna buy me adidas shorts until there is change in this world. PREVENT CHILD LABOR!

  8. I got this comment from a teacher in France today! She wrote:

    Hello from Vaulx-en-Velin (France). We watched your videos in our English class. They were very interesting.

    Students said:

    I learnt that famous companies make children work in the world. We know these companies very well. Some of us think the music could be sad to reflect the children’s working conditions. Others think it was good music though it was too loud to clearly understand all you said.

    The work was well presented: the drawings, the speeches.

    Why don’t you write your names at the end of the video like in ours?

  9. that’s so cool how a teacher from France watched these videos on your blog!!!
    maybe at the end, you can do something like:

    Music Makers Script Writers Speakers

    – (name) – (name) – (name)
    – (name) – (name) – (name)

    unless that was what you were going to do, of course.
    ~anna 😉

  10. I LOVE ENGLAND!!!! England is awsome but not because of wars and foggyness and cloudeness but that is were harry potter is!I am part English!
    – Hailey 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

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