The Heroes Among Us

What is needed to destroy a microscopic virus like this?Virus

Students in my advisory drew pictures of superheroes that could defeat Covid-19. We had some creative ideas! They held them up during our video conference so I didn’t get amazing screenshots of everything, but here’s a taste:

Mr. Clean

Super Cat



I decided to make my superhero out of balloons. I think doctors and scientists are going to end up being the real life heroes to help us out of this mess, so I made a person in scrubs with a cape and virus catcher:

Medical Hero

I have been seeing a lot of people in our community stepping up to help others, in big ways and small ways. While they might not be super heroes exactly, it makes a real difference. A local 3rd grade Girl Scout troop put out a call online to see if anyone wanted cookies; I sent them money electronically and got some Thin Mints and Peanut Butter Patties delivered to my doorstep. Many people are sewing masks to donate to local hospitals. A lot of people are checking in on friends and family members who are alone or vulnerable. I’m grateful to these real-life helpers.

Who do you know who is taking superhero-like actions these days? Comment below and let’s inspire each other.



1 reply »

  1. Your students drawings are lovely. I want to show them to my students when spring term starts in Japan. And your virus catcher!! I hope if we have one(^_-)-☆

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